Why I hate the term "Content" and how the term should appropriately be used.

This is the first "serious" article I'm writing here, hopefully english honors class doesn't fail me.
So if you have ever used sites like Youtube, twitter, tictok, ect ect you've probably heard the term "Content" and how people use it to describe the stuff they make, weather it be art, comic's, video essay's, game's what have you, youv'e probably heard this term used like that before. Now while most people have accepted the word be used like this, it really feels like I'm the only one who thinks describeing the art you make with a word like that is corprote, lifeless and devalues the creative process.
Now, you might be saying "But isn't it easier and makes much more sense to call stuff you make content? especially if you make more than one style of art?" NO. Just because its more easier dosen't mean anything. Like lets say you make videos for youtube, while youtuber has its own conotation of being used for douchy assholes, I would rather get called that than a "Content Creator" because at least with youtuber people genrally get the idea of someone who makes videos. And if you make, lets say, video essay's, then just call youself and essayist since thats basically what you doing just in video form.
To play devil's advocate here, most stuff made for sites like Youtube I would clasify as Content, nothing more than a grey blob to mindlessly be consumed without any higher thought. But even then there are people on those sites who I would never call "Content creators" like Umami and Etheral Snake who make beutifully weird short films.
In my opinion the only appropriate use of the terms "Content" and "Content Creator" are for things which have no value like content farms on youtube and tictok, stuff that has no value what so ever, only ment to be mindlessly consumed and to make money with zero effort besides being able to hop on current trends.
I guess what I'm looking for here is respect for one's own craft, weather it be a video essay, tripy animated webseries, art or comics I would want people to respect the art they make, even if it isn't high art.
Hopefilly this comes off as coherent and not like mad ramblings. I would recomened reading this blog post which is way better written than mine, and the blog itself is actually a pretty good read.