Track name: Get Down to Busines
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Arrrrrr
(I know, its a stupid name)
Guilty Gear+R as I'll be calling it for now is the last INSTALment(get it:) in the Guilty GearXX series of games, which is why it has such a long and stupid title. The game first came out in Sept. 20th, 2012 for Japanese arcades and later that year and then the next for american home consoles. This is one of the only non smash fighting games I've ever played, wich may sound weird since this is supposedly a really hard to learn, but suprisingly this game was really fun and relativley easy to learn for me, and while I'm not the greatest at the game I'm steadly getting better over time.

Some really beutifull stages.
So this game is a fairly standered Anime Fighter, most character can do airdashes across the screen, every character has an instant kill of some kind, every character has flashy and cool special moves, and with most other Anime Fighters has its own unique mechanichs with the Roman Cancels, force breaks, ect ect. The game has 25 characters each cooler as the last, and has a bunch of cool stages each looking distinct and still looking like their from the same world.
Why this game is fucking cool (in my opinion).
Okay, now that we got that Wikipedia introduction out of the way now lets get to why I really like this game. So I first got this game on my hacked PSVita a year ago becuase I was bored and had heard about the series earlier from hearing the games music in youtube videos and immedietly becoming hooked, and when I first booted up the game and watched the intro, I knew I had discovered something great.
Definetly the reason I like this game the most is the game's Aesthetic. This game Oozes , this game is peak middle to late 2000's, just the backgrounds, the art, even the hud and ui are "Fucking Cool". All the character designs are great and what I look for in character design, a balance of being not boring but not having to much shit going on(if you get my gist). The pixel art of this game is timeless and amazing, all distinct and beutifully detailed. The game is incredibly fun and infinetly replayable and near perfectly challenging. This is my first fighting game with motion input, and with only really playing smash bros I was scared of having to learn them, but soon I found out that they are really fun and faily eaisy to learn. And lastley the Music oh man this game's soundtrack is a fucking masterpiece, there are no bad songs in this game, seriously go listen to this game's soundtrack here.
My most played/favorite characters:

Plus R, Missing link, and the first 5 or so levels of judgment are the only Guilty Gear games I've played, I do plan on playing Xrd and Strive in the future, but I am kinda biased since this game is bassicaly near perfect in my eyes. I don't really have any complaints with this game besides minor nitpicks like there not being a pallete maker(which should be in all fighting games). I really like to "feel" of the older GG games, just the designs of the characters are near perfect for me, and I really like how mystourios the world and story felt, I don't think the later games are worse but I just perfer the XX series of games. hopefully this page convinces you to give this game a try, its on steam and is usually on sale for like 5$, and so is #Reaload for some reason.
So after reading all this go out and give +R a try just like i said earlier its usually dirt cheap on steam anyway, go and try out the other Guilty Gear games too if. And just remember: