My dream game
Today I will be talking about my dream game, AKA if I could make one game here's what it would be like.
Now I, just like many of my fellow gamer brotheren, have had many ideas for their very own vidcon. Mostley just keeping it in their head as a "what if" idea, I too have had thoughts like that but my most recent idea has had me writing it down in a little binder thingy with a few pages of concept art I'll share in a bit.
So I've had this "Dream Game" idea since september or october of last year, I've come up with Basic gameplay ideas, Character ideas, Story ideas, ect. These ideas are destined to chage and evolve over time and maybe change the entire idea of what the game should be. But for now i have four main pillars of what the game is built upon, Numer 1: The game will have 2.5d style graphics, like classic doom with characters and enimies being 2d sprites and the environment being 3d objects. Number 2: The game will have fast paced combat with speacial move/s. Number 3: The game will have heavy metal music for the soundtrack, a little bit more nu metal than classic metal. Number 4: The game will have a story mode(main mode), vs mode, against local players or online(maybe), secret level/s, and extra modes like a speedrun mode.

Okay so berfore i start talking about about the game itself i just wanna say what the main inspirations for this game are. the main inspirations for the game is The early entries in the Guilty Gear series, mostley the Guilty Gear XX series of games but also stuff like Trigun, retro anime, 2000's era games, ect. So if anything seems to famillar or like a ripoff of something else, it probably was unintentionally.

So first lets talk about what the game is "about", the story I'm still thinking of but the game is about 8 characters in a Solarpunk type of setting, where around 100 or 50 years before humanity was falling apart and then some tech or science mumbo jumbo gives humanity the path to a solarpunk world(See when I said I hadn't fully thoght up the story yet?) I don't know if I want there to be magic or not but I want it to be a semi-post war/apacolypse type of world where there are ruins sattered around of old weaponry and tech. This is where the main character/s of the game and the actual "story" of the game, so basically this guy is tiered of how the world is working and thinks the world is going to crumble in the near future, and gets the idea that the only way to save the world is the destroy it and build it up from the ground up with only pure intentions, and all the playable characters are going to stop him for their own reasons. So at the time of writing this I'mm thinking there will be 8 or 7 playable characters each with their own motavations to stop the "bad guy" mentioned earlier.
Now lets talk about those playable cahracters anyway, first with the main character/s. Now with most main characters their usually a due with contrsting colors (red and blue) who usually start off as enemy's and become freinds or freindier, examples are your Sol and KY's, Dante and Virgil, Sonic and Shadow ect. But mine main due are green(becuase its my favorite color, and I'mm feeling yellow but that might change) who start off as freinds but their freindship keeps getting challenged throughout the game. Now with the MAIN main character I want him to be the opposite of other action/fighting game frontmen(or woman) I want him to be a kind and down to earth kind of guy, who will say whats on his mine even if someone disagree's with him but usually with good intentions. With his color scheme being green, brown, some black, maybe some grey, with jet black hair(maybe blonde if I feel like it) and preety tall, 6'3.

I haven't come up with a name for him, but I do have an idea for him having a title, The Scourge of Iron, named afterthe song by Canibal Corpsewith people aroung the world calling him that becuase, "He is the scourge of iron on our new perfect world"(Or something 'cool' like that) so bassiclaly he's from the 100 to 50 years in the past where the world was on the brink, with him being kept alive somehow for the 100 to 50 year gap, maybe from cryostasis or some magic mumbo jumbo. Everyone belives him to be this monstrous figure come to destroy their new world, but in reality he's just a simple down to earth guy who dosen't want to kill anyone, but due to unforseen circumstances he's now veiwed as a monster.
For now I'm still thinking of concepts for his rival, so for now I'll talk about other playable character ideas I have, the second character idea I had was of a girl(who's name is Alicia or Dahlia I'm still decideing) who was given a necklace from who grandmother when she was young, and with it can turn into a demon. But her grandmother got the necklace from a cult she was a member of when she was young, and gave it her grandduaghter and told her to never let itin the hands of the cult, now the girl if on the run with the cult and its members always after her. I came up with the gameplay of this character first actually! I imagine it there being a bar in the corner of the screen that constantley depleits and when fully drained she turns into her demon form, but in turn her health is constantley draining, and until you kill enough enemies you'll die, the way to stop this from hapening is the always be on the offensive and keep attacking enemies. Another Character idea I have is a Colombian mercenary and or bounty hunter, who at a young age was taking in by the church, who later joined the military, but later left and became a gun for hire, but his time in the military had changed him, making him belive all the killing he had done was for, and wanted by god.

Now for the most inportent part, the gameplay(insert John Carmack quote here) the gameplay itselft is a third person action hack&slash thing use the image below as an idea of what the game would look like just zoomed out a bit. The game will have 6 buttons the A, B, X, Y, R, and L button, and the left stick is used for moving the camera(And the start and select button, and dpad/stick) the reason for only six buttons is so the game can work with the most controllers and or handhelds, the X, Y, and B buttons are all for atacking while the A button is used for jumping, the L button is used for guarding and the R button is used for locking on the enemies(mostley used for bosses), I'm kinda mixed on either using L+R together or a special input to peform your special move. At the bottom left corner of the screen is a meter I'll call the "Chaos meter" for now, every time you attack an enemy the meter fills a little bit, adn if it fills one of the two parts of it, you'll be able to preform a special move, with each character having one special move. Now the main "gameplay quirk" of the gaem is every character plays differently one will have a hover, one will be able to fly around for a short period of time, ect ect, each level in the game is the same but dependiing on witch character you play a different route will open up for you.

So thats every BIG idea I have for this game, most other ideas i have are shower thoughts if you get my idea, I do hope I can make this game a reality in one way or another. Below I'll post some other concept art I have with ideas I haven't mentioned, hopefully most of you think this game idea is cool in some way, or if you think this sucks thats ok too have a good day!